Missions Ministry

Missions Partners—We cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist General Association of Virginia, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Members may direct the missions portion of their giving to one or more of these partners.

Lebanon Baptist Association—Our church actively supports LBA not only financially but with volunteers in support of Bristol Raceway Ministries, Damascus Trail Days, the annual LBA Wild Game Dinner, disaster relief and mission trips.

Women’s Missionary Union—The ladies of the WMU lead our church in missions education, prayer, and giving to support missions work in Virginia, the United States, and the world. They coordinate their work through three WMU circles.

Friends of Audrey and Jill Circle – first Tuesday at 2pm

Brenda Hallock Circle – first Tuesday at 2pm

Sisters In Service (SIS) Circle – second Tuesday at 10am

Ecumenical Faith in Action—Our church cooperates with EFIA, a local interfaith benevolent ministry, which operates a local food pantry and thrift store. We provide volunteers and financial resources in support of this local ministry.

Operation Christmas Child—Each year we collect shoeboxes filled with goodies for Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child project. The boxes are delivered to children around the world in the Christmas season.